Monday, July 19, 2010

My Motivators

This is sponsored content from BlogHer and Crystal Light.

For any of you that know me or read my blog, you know that my family is very important to me, especially my nieces and nephews. Those four kids mean the world to me.

I can’t believe how fast time moves and how old they are getting. Just a few years ago, they were babies (well, minus my brand new niece who is still a baby). Now they are in school and real people! With friends and lives of their own! I’m so glad I made the decision to move back to Chicago five years ago so I could be a part of their lives as they grow up. I look forward to being there for all the big moments in their lives that will happen down the road – graduations, dating, sports, marriage, kids, etc.

So it is important that I’m still around for all these momentous occasions. It is why I try to make sure that I stay healthy and take care of myself and eat right and make sure I’m getting all the essential vitamins and minerals I need to live a long, healthy life.

One way I do that is by drinking Crystal Light instead of its full-sugar counterparts. You see, I have been a fan fruit drinks my entire life. We never drank soda growing up. It was always Kool-Aid, the full-sugar kind. I cringe now thinking about just how much I drank growing up and just HOW MUCH SUGAR was in each pitcher! YIKES! No wonder I was so chubby growing up!

Those kinds of drinks, full of sugar, are just empty calories. They don’t make you feel full, yet they can pack on the pounds. They say just cutting out regular soda from your diet can help you lose pounds per year! POUNDS! I think we all know enough about health guidelines to know that carrying around extra weight is not healthy. And neither is all that sugar.

I choose to be healthy, for myself, and for my nieces and nephews who need their favorite auntie to be around for a long, long time.

So tell me, who or what motivates you to lead a healthy lifestyle?

Let me know by leaving me a comment and you will be entered for a chance to win a $100 Visa gift card that I will be giving away at the end of the month! (Please be sure to leave an email address in your comment so we can contact you if you win!)

And don’t forget to check out the CLB exclusive offers page for the other six participating blogs for more chances to win!

Official Rules


  1. I'm motivated by my kids to live a healthy lifestyle. I want to be around for them.

    mami2jcn at gmail dot com

  2. My 2 year old son motivates me to try and stay healthy. Also, my twitter buddies inspire me to stay active and be accountable!

    E-mail in profile!

  3. I'm not the best at being healthy, but my kids are definitely a motivation.

    kidsthings at

  4. I want to be able to continue to enjoy life for many years to come. After all, grandkids will demand a lot! {*grin*}

  5. It's quite similar to you, actually. I have 3 nieces and a nephew who keep me busy and so I HAVE to be healthy to be able to keep up with them. Plus, with as many diseases that my family suffers from, I know I'm going to have to do everything to fight them off (kidney stones, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc).

    elemteacher2be (at) gmail

  6. I have the same motivation as you - being Auntie to my nephew and nieces and nephew/niece-to-be for as long as possible. (In my case, in spite of a type 2 diabetes diagnosis right before turning 29!)

  7. I wish I could say my kids or nieces/nephews do but that would be a lie since I have neither! I really just do it for myself because it makes me feel better and more energized when I eat well and exercise.

    melly_311 @ yahoo

  8. Reading healthy blogs keeps me motivated. It helps me feel like I am not alone in my drive to be healthy.

  9. I want to be able to walk on the sand dunes without having various body parts giving out and/or having a coronary.

  10. I just got married so I'd like to stick around for that a while longer!

  11. My grandsons have motivated me to have a healthier lifestyle. It started by giving up all of my bad habits which included drinking, smoking, and gambling, not to even mention the weight gain. I gave up drinking, smoking, and gambling in one fell swoop and never looked back. I didn't even miss it and I still don't. I've been 'clean for 3 years!" I recently got the final motivation to get the weight off and I'm proud to say that I've lost 30lbs in 10 weeks and I've found a new, healthier way to eat. Them precious grandbabies need their Nanny!

  12. My motivation right now are the two babies growing in my belly. Usually I admit my eating healthy and exercising have more to do with wanting to look good. But after these babies get here it will be all about staying healthy and active for them, to be here for them and to try to set a good example.

  13. Reading other people's success stories helps motivate me. Helps me to see it's do-able.

  14. I just want to feel like myself again, which is currently my biggest motivation.

    I like to be outside, and to play sports, to hike. And I can't really do any of those things with much success unless I get myself to a certain level of fit and stay there.

  15. Walking by the lake while watching lots of people exercise and window shopping of clothes motivate me.

  16. My kids motivate me to stay healthy not to mention my clothes! They keep me on track as well.

  17. Diabetes motivates me to drink Crystal Light. One of my biggest side effects from this disease I am trying to get rid of is the massive thirst I have. I am constantly thirsty and have dry mouth. Crystal Light is THE perfect drink for me. Minimal calories, and you can mix flavors to make your own! I have been known to mix teas, amongst other flavors. Getting healthy, so that I can have a healthy baby one day is what I am striving for. Crystal Light allows me to indulge my thirst whenever I want!

  18. I heard a quote that went something like this: "If you don't take care of your body now, where will you live when you get old?" and that quote keeps me interested in a healthy lifestyle

  19. Is vanity a bad reason?

    But seriously once I started exercising regularly, and eating healthier more natural foods I began to feel so much better… and I like it! Now, if I don’t exercise in the morning, I feel cranky and sluggish all day. And when I pig out on junk food (like the Butterfinger bar a co-worker gave me today) I just don’t feel “good”. My motto is we have one life and one body. We have to take care of it, because if you don’t have your health, what do you have?

  20. I just want to be a good example for my daughter, who is already all about asking, "Is this healthy?"

  21. I want to set a good example for my kids. I don't want to be hypocritical by drinking/eating things that I won't allow them to eat.

  22. my mom! and theater. woo, being healthy!

  23. The hope of having kids some day soon. Gotta get healthy.

  24. The fact that my mother not only had gastric by-pass but also that she had 20 pounds of breasts removed during her reduction surgery. 20 lbs. Of boob. From one person. I will drink my weight in Crystal Light to prevent that!

    Wait, that's not funny. How about because I have a secret fantasy that I will meet and marry Jason Segel. But only if I am fit and trim when we meet.

  25. When I totally give up sugar, I feel SO much better..and that's motivation in itself. It's hard to do but I keep trying!

    You have my email addy! :)

  26. I need to live a healthy (healthier?) life style because i am divorced and a bit chubby..i have not had a man in so long! maybe if i get healthy some nice man will want to get with me? poor thing..i'll probably kill the poor guy; guess i will have to warn him first?

    plus crystal light tastes good. mmm...

  27. dawniawnie@aol.comJuly 20, 2010 at 2:04 PM

    I really want to feel better about myself. And be a single digit size again.

  28. My hubby! differentbird (at)

  29. Knowing how much more energy and emotional strength living a healthier lifestyle gives me is my big motivator.

    oldnicholsfarm (at) hotmail (dot) com

  30. My weight. Boring and vain, but true.

  31. What motivates me to lead a healthy lifestyle is simply the fear of becoming seriously ill if I don't! There is plenty of diabetes running through the family and I don't want to come down with it.

  32. my friend inspires me because she's been through a lot yet is so kindhearted and a great humanitarian - and through all that she still finds time to cook herself organic meals and workout each morning :)


  33. What gets me motivates me is the community where I live. I live in a elderly and disabled community. They are always talking about how sick they are.

  34. My family motivates me.

    kristisdeals1 at yahoo dot com

  35. I have lupus and fibro and I would really prefer to be on the least amount of medications possible. So I am very motivated to stay healthy through diet, hydration, and a organic diet!

  36. My son motivates me because I'm sick of being the tired and sluggish mommy.

    samanthajocampen at gmail

  37. My kids motivate me. I want to be healthy for them as long as I can.

  38. My son motivates me. I need to be around to see him grow up.

    charisscharity at yahoo dot com
